Rich Partain -
Author of Dubious Repute
Welcome to the Official Website of funny, ruggedly handsome, brilliant, and charmingly humble author Rich Partain, whose filthy yet oddly wholesome (and frankly fucking hilarious) action-packed comedy science fiction novels have won over the hearts and minds of tens of people worldwide and made him one of the bestselling authors in his small, rural neighborhood. His books are also a huge hit at your mom's house. Largely due to their girth.

"Only a few things have made me laugh as much as this tale did. The prose is riddled with broad-ranging pop culture references that served the narrative in just the right way, and the mix of fantasy, horror, and elements of the absurd made a solid framework to hold it all together. I kept thinking of *The Hitchhiker’s Guide*, and this book is just as much of a fun read, while striking out on its own path. I’m looking forward to the next book."
An actual Amazon reader. I promise.
"The book is a hilarious homage to geek culture, with references to movies, games, books, and comics from every genre and era. The author creates a rich and imaginative world. The book is full of twists and turns, surprises, and cliffhangers, that keep you on the edge of your seat. If you are a fan of sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, or just plain fun, you will love this book. It's a perfect blend of humor, action, and heart. Just be warned: you may not be able to put it down, and you will be purchasing
Vol. 2!"
Another poor soul with questionable taste on Amazon
"This book had me giggling so much! It had all the action, lewd comments, mom jokes, green boobs, f-bombs, and bad-assery that one could possibly hope for! The characters were well developed and I couldn't help but relate to each of them in one way or another. The spin on religion was hilarious and the vision of a future in which everyone is accepted and loved for who they are was so refreshing! 15/10 would recommend!"
Yet another Amazon
customer ensnared by my wit
“WHO? I’ve never heard of him! Also, how did you get in here? I’m calling the police! And what's with the gorilla mask?” -
- Steven King (NOT the author. The plumber from Des Moines.)
“It’s like Deadpool, Letterkenny, Ted Lasso, Indiana Jones, and Looney Toons had a literary love-child after a drug-fueled, occult orgy! With Scotch and hookers.”
- Some random dude in the parking lot that I paid $5
“Partain? Yeah. I know him. That guy owes me $50. You see him, tell him I want my stinking money. Next time, I won’t be so polite. I know where he lives.”
- Lee, Child
(An actual child named Lee.
NOT the author.)

Rich Partain writes absolutely ridiculous comedy sci-fi adventure stories. He doesn't have any major awards or accolades just yet as he is very new at writing fiction. He graduated with a B.A. in English from the University of Montevallo too many years ago to discuss here, and he has been a writer in one form or another for most of his life: from school newspapers and yearbooks to jobs as a reporter and editor of daily and monthly newspapers, to writing for the web and authoring Federal grants. He practically grew up in libraries and bookstores.
Rich has held a host of jobs that inform his written work, including positions in security, law enforcement, information technology, web and graphic design, and tons of other work that resulted in burns, bruises, cuts, scrapes, broken bones, and meeting a plethora of colorful characters over the course of his lifetime. Currently, Rich is a full-time multimedia developer as well as a part-time novelist and musician.
His books are intended to be an antidote to dark, angry fiction where horrible people do horrible things to each other. There are moments of darkness, however, because what would an adventure story be without obstacles and antagonists? At their heart, though, Rich's stories are tales of staunch, good-hearted friends striving against impossible odds to save the universe and innocents from death and destruction. Badass mercenary friends with foul mouths, yes, but wholesome for all that. Once you get past the profanity, innuendo and occasional bloodshed and violence.
Rich lives in Madison, AL, with his beloved, long-suffering, ultra-supportive wife, two unruly but good-hearted boys, and a sweet but needy dog. He is hard at work on the sequel(s) to Happy Jack ... when life allows.
For any inquiries, please contact Rich directly. Email is preferred. Which is why he is not listing any of his other contact info, obviously.
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